Podcast 179 – Interview With Indie Week Founder & CD Baby Marketing Director Darryl Hurs

Director of Marketing for CDBaby Canada and Founder of Indie Week, Darryl Hurs is our special guest in this week’s podcast episode #179.  Darryl shares a plethora of valuable information as it relates to the new age of virtual conferences and DIY opportunities available for today’s independent artists.  Darryl also explains the importance of building community online and how it impacts the growth of a musician’s business as well as their artistry. Listeners will receive information on how they can attend this year’s Indie Week conference as well as be inspired to continue to build careers in the music industry by using various online resources and tools.

For conference information, visit www.indieweek.com
Follow Darryl Hurs:
IG @darryl_hurs