Podcast 49 – Creating Crimson Facebook Live Series

Kenya M. Johnson discusses Creating Crimson’s upcoming Facebook Live Series “Finding Your Voice: Singers Guide to Success in the Music Business” which is a monthly free FB live coaching session and Q & A to assist singers with navigating major components of the music industry and building your business. The topics of the series will include:

– Vocal ID (identity)

– Branding

– Building a team

– EPK’s

– Social media management & marketing

– Recording, mixing and mastering song productions

– Effective & productive method for properly releasing music

– PRO’s (performing rights organizations)

– Self care (voice, body and emotions)

– Networking and how to build lasting music relationships

– Radio promotion

– Booking gigs


The series will begin on July 31st. Free registration will begin July 17th. You must register to be added to the private FB group where the live discussions will be held. For early registration, simply email info@creatingcrimson.com and put “Register for FB Live series” in the subject line. You will be sent an email confirmation and further information. Discount Creating Crimson services will also be available the day of each FB Live discussion. Singers of all genres and levels of experience are encouraged to register!